I only know one guy (not personally)
Really?? I only know one guy (not personally)
Maybe its a shtultzy shul...
You guys are overthinking this, I'll be there tonight and tomorrow, if you wanna meet me just walk down the hallway wearing a name-tag with your DDF handle and if you don't look too weird I'll say hi (if I'm not in middle of Birchos Krias Shma that is)
Did you meet any DDF'ers ?
No but there was some weirdo walking up and down the hallway singing "Achas, Achas Veachas, Achas Ushtayim..." at the top of his lungs... [/kidding]
Lol Anyone else here daven downstairs 770?
Was there this past Friday night, haven't been there in months. Might go back next week, definitely not once "Tishrei with the Rebbe" starts.
You heard me???And I thought you already left and I missed the boat. Why didn't you tell me that you were there?[/kidding]
Semihi 21/57
Poale Zedeck, PIT