I tried R’ Bleir I never got a response
He's a busy man, but available every day in his bais horaah...
Seriously, I have no idea what kind of gilyon this is, but start by going neighborhood by neighborhood, find someone there who's interested in the gilyon enough to give you info and distribute it there...
Just of the top of my head
ZNT, Whatever R dershowitz shul is called
R berkovitz, menorah shul
Bais yisroel, avreichim tel arza
Minchas yitzchak, belz, naclas akiva, the new shteibel on maharam mruttenberg, shaarei bina, chanichei romema, matersdorf
Rav elants shull in ramat shlomo
A few shuls in neve yaakov
There are active members here in most JLM neighborhoods with English speakers, but you would prob have to give some more details before they give an open invitation for just anyone to litter their shuls with whatever gibberish is in the gilyon (no offense, but there are plenty of gilyonos that just go straight in the bin bec no one in shul is interested in them...