Be "Dan" le kav s'chus. In Israel its a bigger problem, since they might have tons of rooms not ready until hours after moze Shabbes. Saturdays new arrivals expect to have their rooms ready at 15:00. If you stay in a "goishe" hotel its not the end of the world if a few jews check out late. Even if they are fully full, a few people will be late arrivals. I remember a scene once on Shabbes in the Sheraton in Tiberias. During the good old days, were a room was 2000 points on weekends, it was full of Bachurim staying until moze Shabbes. A goishe group arrived and they were missing 10 rooms, as they were still occupied with tsholent, moze was at 07:30. How would you like it if you arrive in a hotel and they tell you, your room will be ready 21:00?!