It's plainly a scam (and this plainly wasn't a Guest of Honor situation). Let's be serious here.
i wasn't referring to his situation I was responding to you saying that people use it to gain status when they don't have status. Look at what I quoted.
P.S. yes technically what he did was a "scam" as you call it. But it's within the rules. The rules say that you can add an additional guest and that he could check in.
That is what this forum is about. It's about finding ways to travel better for a better price. If you keep having an issue with everything everybody here does that is not 100% straight then why are you even on this forum to begin with? Just to berate all the members? We have a way of how we do things here. As far as I'm concerned no one is breaking any laws. If you can't handle it please go read another forum. /end rant