you no longer come here enough to know that youve been supplanted as stam SF
I've seen that in this teaching how to upload pictures thread.
Smelly fish or something like that.
So now that Suave is the flying one and should really be Superflyer, I became dispensable. ;-)
There are still many many that pm for help on constant basis.
As Suave said beginning of the thread that one needs to see enough interest to continue posting. things I've posted were apparently not useful enough or beyond people's comprehension.
Since I don't live in the USA or Israel and don't have a SSN, the vast majority on ddf things do not apply to me.
P.S. moish, with your constant destructive comments heading my way, you have positively slowed down my activity on ddf.
The End
Suave, please continue with your thread, it's beautiful!