India Part 2
He swore to me they were all his, I still don't believe him.

Resting after bringing in the days haul

Re-purposing damaged fish nets

Prepping Dinner?

Just a friendly neighborhood card game

Ha, Gender Equality in India? Who woulda thunk.

Almost as bad as Crown Heights after simchas torah

Interestingly I did not see any real monkeys in Chennai

Pretty tasty actually...

They were so excited to chat with a white guy, In the US I would have been arrested.

The temple doubles as a school

Reminds me of a chassidish family on a chol hamoed trip

I'm almost sure that's a boy

The local yentas.

At least dad is involved.

Ask and you shall receive

Please excuse the micro nudity. Pun Intended.

He only looked this angry before i gave him ice cream

The tsunami survivors new homes

One mans trash is another mans treasure.

Something shady happening here, 2 white guys an a local keep going inside the shop and walk out with a few cellphones, they make some calls then throw the phones out. CIA?

This story aggravates me. This bus knocked over two bikers, I used my mini trauma kit (which I always travel with) to close up the gashes on their heads etc. When I'm done, the cop writes me a ticket for leaving my motorcycle on the road. mind you, there was no traffic movement... and he was watching me render first aid which he was incapable of doing...

They were parading a deity around the block, the way they were singing and dancing reminded me of a hacnosas sefer torah - Lehavdil elef alfei havdolos

They claimed they walked to goa all the way from Rajasthan

The old jail

Can you believe that just a few blocks away is the richest neighborhood in Mumbai?

In front of the famous Taj Mahal hotel

No, I have not posted this picture before.