Welcome back from Hawaii !! Oh was that a trip! should I write a trip report? well,
@Something Fishy did the exact same trip so ill be
yotze with his
Mr. Fishy, I really don't know which one of the great talents of yours exceed one another, photography or writing, but one sure complements the other, both together is the perfect set, coupled with your great intelligence and perfect attention to geography. And the outcome? an awesome TR worth million$$!! You should really be writing a book of your trips and sell it for top dollar!
You literally take along the reader on your entire journey. Feeling the exhilaration and joy at every step as well as the letdown when something goes not as planned, but with your vibrant positivity you overcome every obstacle, dragging the reader along back on track..
The one place I became dizzy is when you took me along on a 6 mile hike on lava stones and pebbles (sorry for saying it so simplistic
) I'm getting exhausted just from reading it, even without offering a helping hand to carry some of the camera gear bags... but I guess muscle size grows with the shoe size
These trips are what my dreams are made of. Not having the ability to do such myself, I really fulfilled it halfway by reading your fabulous TR!!