1.When if ever would you feel "this is a ticket I might/should or must call an agent for & why"
Mostly for convenience sake, if I need a lot of seats together or a particular itinerary
2. What is your current feelings on travel agents? (Negative , positive, you feel they are honest, or sly, or impatient or very friendly and helpful?
Negative, I feel they're incompetent and unhelpful. In every case in the last 5 years I've used an agent (3 or 4) it ultimately was easier and cheaper to go online and book myself
3. What are the features you most love about agents?
Concierge type service
4. What are the features you dislike most?
not neing available, long wait times, no answer to emails, terrible pricing
5. What do you think agents should offer that they dont? (Creativity here is a plus - think "the future travel agency")
online access somehow, where you can log in and see your entire trip, make changes etc.
6. Have you ever received VIP services arranged by an agent, if so did you find it worthwhile to pay for that?
No but I would if I thought it would make my life significantly easier without much extra expense
7. On an international ticket of $1000 each for a family of 4, if you decided/needed to book through an agent, what size fee would you feel good about paying, or do you feel there should be no booking fee "as agents already get commisions from the airline"?
agents get commission from airline. If I can go to the airlines website and book it myself in 5 minutes I don't see any reason to pay someone else to do that for me