Day 6 - CAIRO
Again we woke up early and were picked up to go to the Airport. This time we got our Visa's before boarding pass, and I think that may have made the difference, although with all the made-up rules I cant promise. We actually paid for the Visa in Egyptian Dollars and that worked out cheaper. Plane ride was 40 min and uneventful. We met our tour guide in the airoport, a Muslim (no suprise there) lady with an annoyingly high pitched voice. But overall she was a good informative guide, actually fluent in English. The other folks on the trip are what really made it fun. What still stands out to me, is this one tall back-packer dude, below is what I recall of actual conversation;
Me: So where you from
Him: Uhhhhm (pause) well if I had to answer I'd say LA but I havent been there in like 4 years man. Ive just been all over the place (Lucky style, without the hotels and first class cabins, so more like Suave style)
Me; So if you had to pick a place to live, where would it be?
Him: Up in Northen Canada with the Eskimoes

(He was being honest, I swear) After a while, I'd start going crazy, so I'd go back to La, but then I'd come right back...
Anyway back to tour, first stop was Egypt Muesuem. Basically all the stuff from pyramids in one big building, really cool stuff. Probably the one stop besides the actual pyramids that is worth it. There are no pictures allowed in the muesuem, so this is where a GoPro came in handy. Alas it was my friends so I dont have pics, sorry. After a while our guides tour was getting boring so we dithced and started wandering around muesuem on our own. We found this posh professor type giving what seemed like an expensive high-class tour so we started asking him questions. He was obviously very knowledgable and got into a long winded explanation of which Pharoah was the one by Moses but caught himself and basically told us its inconclusive.
Next, was lunch, which we ditched and roamed around Cairo. It really is 3rd world, even the business parts are slumish and the roads are just wow. We tried to get bank to trade our $$ but it was no-go. After we made to the pyramids. Besides being an ancient wonder, they are really a tourist trap. You go there, take pictures, get hounded by vendors, maybe take an uncomfortable camel ride and leave. But we enjoyed it and got a bunch of good pics. Everything else from tour, besides from driving through Cairo was boring imho.
Anyway, after tour we made it back to Sharm for one more night.