I stayed at the metropol 2 weeks ago for shabbes. If you know what to expect you don't get disappointed. It's a heimishe hotel, thats clean, nothing fancy. Same goes for meals....
One thing, that no other hotel can beat is the welcome of mister levin
On friday after skiing, when he saw me walking the lobby for some food a hour before shabbes, he went to the kitchen to get me kugel...
Since the hotel isn't the fancy style nobody goes there all snoby...
I love it, that my kids can run around and nobody cares... people are also much more social then in other places.... I can't tell you what it is, but I really love the place!
@ ua first I flew this route in same class last week. I took the later flight from Zurich, so I only had 45 min connection in Geneva. Plane was 20 min late, but I still made it
I liked the seat and service was good. The service is american (plastic cups...) but the hard product is nice. Crew was very friendly and I would fly them again
Big advantage, it's one of the first flights from europe to land in Newark. No line at passport or customs
My flight back with sq f was a little nicer :-)