I’m not following. Can you explain how your politics negates לפני עור? And why are they allowed to go up בטומאה if they can toival?
I didn't want to get sidetracked but ok.
I don't view the police and soldiers on Har Habayis as protecting me. The opposite! The police are there to stop me and interfere! If not for the police, we would have a lot more freedom on Har Habayis. The police are the ones imposing the Judenrein policy of not allowing us to bring in siddurim, tefillin, sifrei Torah, forcing us to daven quietly and arresting anyone that breaks their arbitrary rules. So the police are exactly like the police who come to the protests on Shabbos - I don't want them there! I basically view the Secular State and its apparatus as an Occupying Army who is there to colonialize our Land! (Hey sounds familiar). I am sure this comment will take the thread off topic. But maybe we should start a new discussion so we can keep this one on topic...
I doubt most of you agree with my perspective.
So let's continue with the mainstream perspective: the police are there to protect us, we need them to accompany us to protect us from the Arabs etc. We are so greatful to the police for everything they do for us blah blah blah.
If so, there is a difference between the police accompanying the groups on Har Habayis to the police coming to the Shabbos protests. On Har Habayis they are being asked to do an issur - whereas in the protests, they are being asked NOT to do an issur.
Even if we take on this perspective, we still have reason to be mattir: because there is a mitzvah of Kibbush and Kibbush is docheh Lifnei Iver (so that solves the issue for the olim).
On the personal level of the police themselves the kibbush and is also Docheh tumah. And even if the policeman was poshea and didn't go to mikveh - but now has an oppurtunity to be kovesh - he is also allowed to be kovesh despite his tumah.
BTW, the police also go up on Har Habayis to protect the Jews davening at the Kosel.