To get this back on topic..... I reached 99 and got this message on the website : "99 friends have joined! You've won a free bike. We'll contact winners with instructions on 3/23."
Then I received this email.......Now I am not sure what is going on.......
Hello Brilliant Bicyclers,
As a reminder, our contest ends in just under two hours at 4pm EDT today.
It's been quite a week - over 100,000 participants and 180 free bikes! While all free bicycles have been won, you can still earn store credit for the next two hours.
Look for an email on Monday, March 23rd with instructions about how to collect your rewards*.
Thank you!
The Brilliant Team
* You guys have gotten creative trying to win a bike, which we appreciate. However, your final reward level is calculated based on valid email addresses only - removing bounced emails, emails with invalid domains, duplicate emails, multiple email addresses for an unique individual, non-personal emails (e.g., info@, support@), emails with invalid symbols, and emails sent by spam bots or other automated programs.