Where is this place?
Is it only my family or is it a universal phenomenon that every Purim, without fail, at least one of the kids is sick?
Not chanuka?
Is Tuesday the new Friday?
I guess there were no celebrations at your house last night.
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
Question for males, specifically Chassidim, did your mother teach you to cook as a child? Was it out of the ordinary for a boy to learn to cook?
My mother taught me to make scrambled eggs because she was tired of making it for me at odd hours during bein hazmanim.All the men I know who know how to cook learned on their own, Chassidish or otherwise.
I filled a police report online needed for my cc claim. It's been 2 weeks without any response. I called the precinct and they couldn't help but to say to wait.Anyone ever filed a report and the NYPD actually reach back to them?