Lol! So did I get your question right?
Is there a Pas Yisroel version of Fig Bars?
Either way, there doesnt seem like there is anything as good that is pas yisroel so you have the rashba/mechaber to be somech on.
If only that's how life worked.
Do you have a good reason why it shouldn't work? Especially if your ashkenazi and the only reason you are being machmir is because of the shach?
This came up on amazon. Should I buy it for the local Mohel?
Echo chambers are boring and don't contribute much to deeper thinking and understanding!
Na, its a rip-off...
Quote from: Alexsei on January 06, 2025, 06:33:30 PMWhat would be a good and affordable software/program to learn Hebrew/Yiddish typing? no internet access, this is what is used.$80.Old, but good.Available at Judaica stores, or download.
What would be a good and affordable software/program to learn Hebrew/Yiddish typing?
Does anyone know the name/author of a kids book about (not overfeeding) a pet goldfish? The name "Just a Pinch" sticks in my head but I can't find it online.
"A Fish Out of Water" by Helen PalmerMy kids love it
Thank you!!I think there was a Jewish kids book but it's probably a copy of that one. "He gave just a pinch because that was the rule, and then took his schoolbag and went off to school."Anyone know of that one? Jewish though, published March 10, 2023 unless it's a reprint#TOMT