Click advanced search and fill the name into the proper field.
Can you search threads on Advanced, or only boards?
Thanks! (It seems not to load all the posts unfortunately)ETAIt only shows the posts the quote that member
Oh that makes sense. Another option is to click the print button. It will load the whole thread as text. Then do ctrl f
Thanks!Did you hack into @TimT's system to figure out that hack?
Who is the hidden user who is always online?
How to search for all posts made by a member in a particular thread?
Quotes in a signature is annoying, as it comes across as an independent post.
Why would you want to do that?
Does one get a HT for a deal that was posted in the past 3 months, but is now cheaper? (as apposed to a back in stock deal)
Somebody's marketing team
Is there any safety issue using t8 bulbs in a t12 fixture (portable for sukkah) ?