Just a few songs from the past two week's parshiyos...
I find it interesting that the Dveykus Kol Brama wasn't included
Today in "I don't feel old, why do you ask": we just (Chol hamoed) passed the 25th anniversary of the Priority One MBD 25 Years tribute concert.
The irony is that @YitzyS may not even have seen thisBut what a treat it has been. First Country Yossi's prediction of inflation on esrogim for this year and now this. Although we were not quite at 10k.
What song is this referring to?
This nigun is not of chabad origin. Earliest recording that I know of was on the 1966 Pirchei album (Aylecho), titled Bdegel. The composition of the tune is unknown, attributed to "Traditional".
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