Duno if its the jetlag or this cafe-punch-cherry-whatever drink on an empty stomach, or a combination of both that made disclose the recipe to avis chairmans club*.
@ SuperFlyerKeep to the truth
Well, how was the grand DO?
I got so much nachas when I saw that picture!Being a part of something that brings so many different yidden together from all backgrounds to help them, whether helping subsidize the kollel check or take a dream vacation.Geshmak!!Keep up the good work guys!
bochurim too young to rent a car
Is there even such a thing?
It was very cool to see bochurim too young to rent a car along with a guy with a 14 year old kid and another with an 18 year old kid together like this. And from Crown Heights, Lakewood, Flatbush, Brussels, Cleveland, 1 learning in the Mir...etc...Just awesome!
you mean atwerpen
So how many CHers are interested in a mini-DO this thursday night @ Empire Grill?
I'm in. When's next?
+1 (I'm in too)
So far there's three of us.
Nice meeting you Chaikel and Dealer!I'm still on with Chollentfresser and anyone else who wants to join for Thursday night CH.