looking for a fairmont night, can be close expiration. As no one posted an asking price, I have no idea what to bid.
I am potentially looking to purchase 4 certificates. (2 rooms 2 nights) Would like a suite upgrade on one of the 2 rooms. Paying $250 each OBO.
hi goldfez?
Have one night w/ suite upgrade/dining certs. Asking $350 expires next year in May
Selling 2 nights from a premier account incl suite upgrade and Food/Spa credit. PM me.600 or BO
Selling 2 Fairmont night certificates with an upgrade from Platinum FPC account for 300/each or OBO. 2018 Expiry. If you need a recommendation, let me know traded with a couple of people here on DD.
Sold! Thanks @elya for smooth trade Happy stay at Pacific Rim