It's about darn time you sorry good for nothing blogger and good for nothing supposed lawyer sidekick
and this joke came across how ?good for you
AJK is adding annotations to the TR as we speak. Will probably publish part 1 on Sunday.
OK so Israel TR is over for the good!!!
Add it to the list.
In regards to the discussion above, Dan are you will to share how many hours you put in to part 1 writing editing proofreading..... It will just give some perspective.
Just dealing with all the images must have taken 20 hours.
So today is the big day?Just trying to keep some pressure up hopping it helps!
Try sending Dan a pm
Ya'll realize this is just for day 1, right It'll be up soon.
As much as I appreciate your TR's, Dan, I would rather you spend your time finding more deals like the Sony camera. Kol hacavod!