Why does the world consider Israel the aggressors and Palestinians the victims?
- Pure ignorance. People simply don't know the true history and the facts.
5 (7%)
- Propaganda. An agenda-driven media has pumped out anti-Israel rhetoric for decades, and people have bought into it.
9 (12.7%)
- Antisemitism. Deep down, Israel-hate comes from Jew-hate, both from gentiles and self-hating Jews. They don't care what the facts are, they just hate Jews.
24 (33.8%)
- Because Israel IS the aggressor. (explain)
3 (4.2%)
- Israel did this to themselves. Israel brought this upon themselves by constantly apologizing for defending themselves. When you apologize to the world, it is an admission of guilt.
3 (4.2%)
- All of the above except #4.
18 (25.4%)
- The vast majority of the free world is NOT against Israel.
9 (12.7%)
Total Members Voted: 71