When this thread hits 25 cancellation posts it goes directly to JS without passing GO and without collecting $200 (gc).
Doesn't work for me. Anyone else?
By the way that link is still working too.
Went on incognito works like a charmHowever never gonna be honored.... they have cancelled 100's of my orders in the past...
You come across these deals often?
SD link no longer working for me
Try this. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/best-buy-gc-200-designer-card-2-gift-card/3605033.p?id=1219704991577&skuId=3605033
Remember by the Constant Contact debacle, someone theorized that Staples needed a $1 mil loan for a week. Maybe that's what BB is doing here.
I didn't even get an email from them confirming my orders
Finally dead!!
Don't think anyone did...?