Thank you so much for recently writing in to us, and for sending in your donation purchases from Ticketmaster. We would like to personally apologize for the inconvenience you have suffered while attempting to earn JetCash with us, and for the lack of faith this issue might have caused you to feel! I hope I can make this right for you, and restore your faith in the Jet Heads!
In response to your email, donations made through our Jet anywhere retailers are wonderful! Earning JetCash for these donations is simply a feature that we are currently building, and it has simply not yet been made available for use at this time. We can’t wait until we are out of the Jet Beta Phase, and more unique features will surface!
Again, thank you so much for your patience, and we hope that you will give us another chance! Your dedication to our Jet Anywhere program is highly appreciated, and if you ever need anything from us, feel free to reach out. The Jet Heads are always here to set things right!
Practice makes perfect!
Alexandria Mortensen | Jet Head
FROM: username
TO: "help@jet.com" <help@jet.com>
SENT: Monday, July 13, 2015 2:22:03 PM (Eastern Standard Time)
Hm.... so you have something against donations? Sounds like that...
Monday, 13 July 2015, 02:09PM -04:00 from "help@jet.com" <help@jet.com>:
>Hi there Jet.com member!
>Unfortunately, all of your JetCash requests made for your donations at Ticketmaster will be denied.
>At this time, we are only offering JetCash for purchases, and not for donations made through our Jet Anywhere retailers. In the future, we may be adding this feature, but currently these donations are not honored for JetCash eligibility.
>Please feel free to continue sending in purchases made through our Jet Anywhere program.
>If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!
>Keira McIntyre | Jet Head
>Keira McIntyre | Jet Headhelp@jet.com1-855-JETHEAD