She made a personal decision and more power to her. But she did that ages ago, IIRC, and it is coming to light now again because of the Nekadesh event the other night. There is a world of difference between an individual woman making such a decision and pressuring thousands of women to do the same when you are trying to take away any other avenue of connecting and conducting business.
I could argue that it is only because she had 40k followers she was able to quit. If she was just starting out, she'd have no other option.
Where can a sheitel macher advertise her services? No fliers, no magazines, no websites. All she has left is social media, and now she is getting told she can't do that either if she wants to be a heliger bas yisroel.
Get all the men off of LinkedIn, Whatsapp and DDF and then worry about the literally thousands of businesses that frum women's Instagram has facilitated.
I wouldn't equate LinkedIn or DDF to Instagram, but feel free to disagree
To your point, my wife started a biz 3 years ago and opened an Instagram account. About 50% of her biz was coming from there, and most of the other 50% went there to see her content after hearing about her form another source.
When she also realized that 50% of her wasted time, and jealousy, interest in other's opinions etc. that came along with being on insta, she made the courageous decision to completely cutoff. I won't bore you with the back and forth of above suggested option, only post don't follow, how will I continue the biz until she made that desicion, but she felt it was the right way to go.
It's been a year and a half, and BH she is growing and growing.
So it is doable for "smaller biz" as well.
In fact, I'd argue the opposite, when one has such a following and name recognition, the fear of falling into oblivion over the next 2 years is probably tremendous! Wherever she went, everyone in town commented on her most recent post.
Now they're mentioned her Goodbye, in a month she is irrelevant.