The bakery isn't a store?
Stores can't do without mechiras chometz for חמץ גמור but not everyone will buy that and would rather look for baked after pesach products, sort of your need isn't my problem, that's why the bakeries are all trying to do nowadays baked אחר הפסח.
IIRC in Lubavitch they do a stronger kinyan for mechiras chametz and they sell חמץ גמור. Not everywhere was the minhag to sell חמץ גמור and only stores did - through a clearer kinyan - because of their need for it. As such there are people who are reluctant to buy sold חמץ גמור, hence the need for bakeries to do אחר הפסח.
Those signs and stamps only cater to people who aren't aware yet that they are Lubavitchers. Any Lubavitcher with a drop of self respect would avoid something that says anything with the words "אחר הפסח".
Which is mostly meaningless, because regular (bleached) flour is חמץ.
In regard to white flour it is questionable whether it is considered pure chometz. This is because the grains are washed quickly and most likely have not been in contact with water for an amount of time sufficient enough to become chometz. Therefore, some who will not sell pure chometz will sell flour.
Which is exactly why I stated
But they can do the stronger kinyan like other stores?
This is because the sale involves complex halachic issues, and it is difficult to fulfill the requirements in a way that satisfies all opinions
I understand why Lubavitchers wouldn't care for baked אחר הפסח but why would they avoid it??
1. כיון דנפיק מפומיה דרב כהנא וכו'.2. להוציא מדעת הטועים.3. שפיץ חב"ד.Three reasons which are actually different ways of saying the same thing.
There are those that don't want to rely on the Heter Mechira even for stores/bakeries. So they prefer flour that was Milled after Pesach
Excuse me, are you comfortable buying something from before pesach that was sold without an arev kablan?
Until (weeks or months go by and) they forget about it, which is when the stores pull out the old stuff
Who sells chometz without an ערב קבלן?I buy mostly in Crown Heights and the local Rabbonim definitely do it with an ערב קבלן.
Was answered:Though IINM R' Landa used to say (maybe at his שבת הגדול דרשה) that it should be avoided, as חמץ which was properly sold is definitely not problematic למנהגנו שמוכרין חמץ גמור, but if it was baked after Pesach, then maybe there was תערובת חמץ that wasn't sold properly included in the dough or batter that was made after Pesach. (this is a vague recollection of something I heard in his name, so please don't quote this unless confirmed).
Echo chambers are boring and don't contribute much to deeper thinking and understanding!
Any Lubavitcher with a drop of self respect would avoid something that says anything with the words "אחר הפסח".
געשמעקט נאך פסח תשע״ט
No, I'm not in this picture