Yesitsme like making "lebedig" here.If I wouldn't know better I would say he is CM......
FtfyAnd what makes you think you know better?
Maybe I can sell them some miles?
The "Rabbi" on the left spent many months across the street. His "goons" scared the faithful into parting with their cash. This knife scam is just another ploy to raise money from gullible folk. Caveat Emptor. There is a minhag to buy a new knife as the ad states...but not for kabbalistic reasons. Its a siman like all other simanim on Rosh Hashanah. Enough of this paganism masquerading as Judaism!!!End rant.
Who taught them english?
What's the issue? is the subject of the sentence. You is the object. The predicate is "thanks" which is the present tense, third person singular of the verb.