1. I never said Rav Moshe said you should live there.
2. If Rav moshe felt it was assur to live there I doubt he would have answered a question about it. (Imagine someone asking a question if he could use a birth control while sleeping with an eishes ish, you think he would have answered?
3. Interestingly, you weren't asked your opinion and yet offered it
1. Aren't you implying that we can infer from the teshuva that R' Moshe was principally OK with living there?
2. I disagree. Facts are they live there and need halachic guidance.
You think he wouldn't answer an eiruv shaila for there? How about a yoreh deah shaila.
3. I actually get paid by the management here to post my opinions. PM Dan, he may want to make an arrangement w you too!