Chaim, maybe I'll do a better job explaining what you are missing. The tragedies that happen in in Israel are totally different than most tragedies that happen in the US. Hence why it gets more attention. I'll explain the simple difference. In Israel the last couple of weeks Jews are getting killed JUST because they are Jews. Its been like that since we are around We were always hatred. Now since we all share the same ethnicity it really bothers and hurts us. Its different than most fatal school shootings etc where some idiot forgot to take his pills and toke a rifle and shot 20 kids. We all have family and friends living and that area and we are all afraid for their well being. We are afraid for out own well being when we go there. We are a very small religion compare to Christianity, Muslims etc and we were always the most hatred just for the fact that we are old traditional Jews. It always bothered us the fact that we are being killed just because we are Jews. In the 1400 we were killed by the Spanish later in Europe we were all dumped into ghettos later there was WW2 and so on. Now it's in Israel. So of course we care. It's not just the killing that bothers us. Its the reason behind it which we don't see with other tragedies.
I now expect fully that you acknowledge that you finally UNDERSTAND what's going on. And why a non Jwe has no reason to be upset by the way we discuss out tragedies.