Dont want to take this conversation OT but since most of it already has been, isnt the beis medresh one of the safer places to be?
Not necessarily. If someone wanted to target a large group wouldn't a beis medrash be a good place? As opposed to an apartment? Also, I don't think that's the only aspect involved in making that decision.
yes, but the recent attacks havent been aimed at large groups. of course they could be planning something like that but that is always the case. unless they had some specific intelligence of a threat I would think the best thing for a yeshiva to do is continue the learning that protects us. shauly, would you mind sharing which yeshiva in shaare chessed this is?
we need a @realdonaldtrump to build a WALL, A HUGE Wall, HUUGE trumo style around east jerusalem!
Why would a BM be safer than ones home/apt/dorm?
The Torah protects you.
Except when it doesn't:
when i was in yeshiva, if they sent us back to the our apartments we probably wouldnt have just sat around in the apt, we would have either gone somewhere or hung out around outside. maybe in this case everyone would have stayed inside but Im not sure about that.
Nobody is staying inside. Life has to go on..
That's not 100% true. People are staying in more and think twice before going out.
Kefira is fun
Are those fu&*ed up bodies returned to their families? I hear that yes. I better hope that's not true.