make it seem like the israelis are attacking the palestinians rather then defending the checkpoints that palestinians are bombarding with rocks and attempting to bring weapons past. a man? why not say a Palestinian? they intentionally leave it vague to let uninformed people believe that maybe an israeli did this.obviously an intelligent objective reader knows what is going on but there are not that many of those in this world
There were no deaths reported in either of those incidents, in contrast to what happened in Israel.Israeli authorities documented several bloody attacks, including one in which an Israeli Jew stabbed a man he mistakenly thought was Arab outside an IKEA near Haifa; and an Israeli Arab hit on the head with a stick on a Netanya beach, according to police spokeswoman Luba Samri.Other incidents proved even more bloody and were carried out by men that Israeli authorities claim have ties to terrorist groups.In Jerusalem's ultra-Orthodox Malkei Israel area, for instance, one died and eight were injured when a man drove into a bus stop, ran over three people, then get out of his car and began stabbing people, according to Samri.And in the Armon Anatziv area of Jerusalem, one person with a gun and another with a knife boarded a bus and launched an attack. Pictures from the scene, tweeted by Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, showed shattered glass and bloodied floors.
Is Freddie around to explain my St Valentines Day comment?
That's not 100% true. People are staying in more and think twice before going out.
To me it's more than being vague:They say there were deaths 'in Israel', but then in the next paragraph go straight into describing acts of violence by Jews against Arabs - neither of which resulted in deaths. They mention the religion/nationality of the victim or attacker for both incidents. Then in the last 2 paragraphs, they describe the incidents where people were killed, yet fail to mention the religion/nationality of anyone involved.
Can I ask a serious question?Why do you read these reports from places you consider extremely biased? What good does it do?
Leaving aside your belief that God wrote the gemarah, if you seriously believe that the act of learning torah protects from harm, why do people get killed while learning torah? (Not asking as a challenge, seriously trying to understand).
I'm having trouble understanding the video of today's attack.Wasn't the Jew pointing a gun at the animal?Why didn't he shoot him?Why did he let him get a few more swipes with the knife, and let him throw the knife at him?
What is the closest street that crosses Malchei Yisrael near that bus stop?
he was probably afraid to shot from far.
I'm asking about after he got close
I think his first shot hit but not fatally. After that, when the terrorist got up, it looks like he kept missing even though he was pretty close. It's not as easy as it looks on TV.
That pos got up too many times. He must not have been aiming for the head or heart.