Here was another one of yours (emphasis added):
Knowing how you feel about MO...
Hence I explicitly mentioned that I am not implying that he services mo.
Il clarify for the last time. I am not in anyway trying to denigrate RNG. All I am saying is that from what I know, he is not some uber "godol hador leinyaney Gittin."
This does not mean that he is not a choshuva talmid chochom at all. He's just simply not the "last word" beinyoney Gittin.
The reason why I feel that it is important to make this point, is because this claim has been used to validate his pesak here.
As to my qualifications to make this claim. I don't have any. I'm just talking from my experience and pretty decent (IMHO) knowledge of poskim and pesak. I stand by my statement that the average Ben Torah never heard of RNG untill this story.
Bh I never got divorced so I do not have hands on experience.