How long does it take after best buy order gets cancelled for funds to come back onto gc?
Shrek! Have 2 1k orders that cancelled a few hours ago and showing $0 balance....How do I proceed?
K tx! They didnt realize there was another email saying the gc authorazation failed....What does that mean in the store when I bought the gc? Because I have reciepts...How do I proceed?
Pretty sure it did ....It activated in store and have reciept....Can they check on system if it was ever used?
Probably. I mean the order... Did you use a credit card as well?
Selling $60 in gift cards @85%
They told me they will email new gc in 8-10 days.....think it will happen? its 2k
Why not? Take a deep breath, and enjoy a Melava Malka.
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