hello, I am new to Dans Deals. I am planning a trip to brazil. I am flying into GRU (Sao Paulo) arriving tuesday morning, and leaving sunday night. I would like to go to rio and if i have time i would love to see IGU. you did it in one day?
wow that looks amazing! i am planning a trip to brazil and i am thinking of flying to IGU. how many days would you say you need there?
What's the story with the water, is it all of Brazil or Argentina, tap bottled?
@ Dawie;Gr8 t.p. You said you got sick...did u get tested for Zika when u got back???
passed one shul, nothing going on then on the way to a mall down the block we passed a shul, was a surreal experience, I was not looking for one, per se and had forgotten momentarily about Mincha but as we walked passed the guard opened the gate and I look up and it’s a shul (My minimal research did not find much in the way on Mincha/maariv options… I guess godaven doesn’t have it all) The Copacabana Shul – Kehillat Yaakov on Rua Capalão Alvares Da Silva otherwise now as Rabbi StaubersIMG_20151125_155942 by Dawie Van De Merwe, on Flickrhttp://www.sinagogadecopacabana.com.br/So Hashgacha Pratis get us a Mincha Maariv and a shiur in Portuguese. They offer Shabbos meals for anyone interested, just contact the rabbi.