Here is a direct link to download the installer.
You can buy it for really cheap on ebay.I bought it from someone in the UK for about 7-8 bucks and it worked beautifully.
Yes, just make sure you select the right software (not the one posted in the link).
Are they both on sale?
Same price.
To get this straight: if u buy a new laptop after 30 days of purchasing I can't put it on my new one?
Why wouldn't you be able to just use the code?
So why is everyone saying that it expires after 30 days?What expires just the download link? Can't I download the software elsewhere in a tear from now and the activate with this code?
Can you clarify what you are saying?
Can we download this elsewhere in a year from now?
Acceptable Forms of Academic Proof:You will need one of the following documents:College Students/Parents Instant Online Verification Dated Student ID from the current semester or school year Course Schedule Registration Receipt for this semester Letter of Enrollment on school letterheadK12 Student/Parents Report Card Dated Student ID from the current semester or school year Registration Receipt Letter of Enrollment on school letterheadTeachers, Faculty, Staff Link to your faculty web page Current Faculty ID Letter of Employment on school letterhead Pay Stub (cross out confidential information)Home School Students/Parents Membership in Home School Association Receipt for Home School Curriculum Letter of intent to home school from a state agencySchool Districts, Colleges, Universities Your Purchase OrderNonprofit Organizations Copy of IRS 501(c)3 form IRS letter stating you are a 501(c)3
Chose home school, now I just wait even though it says I need to submit eligibility. ..?
waited and got the email