Here is a direct link to download the installer.
You can buy it for really cheap on ebay.I bought it from someone in the UK for about 7-8 bucks and it worked beautifully.
How long did it take to come? It's been 15 min and I still don't see anything.
did it few days ago took about 20 min
does anyone know if there is a way to get this deal or similar for microsoft office? THanks
Should still work as far as I know.
Here you go - no school needed
Bought W10 PRO for 30 - Having the second thought - this is the paypal infoSoftware Key Net +40 0040747382901
Something about this just seems off:"To buy Office 2016 Cheap key is indeed a correct choice for you access to Office 2016. Cheap Office 2016 Keys in our Microsoft Online Store online store will work on your computer permanently. You can get all the updates at any time and upgrade if necessary. Hurry to buy genuine Office 2016 Keys."The product key may work but do I want them having my info?
I bought this way back. Now I got a new computer. Is there a way I can install it in on the new computer and use the same activation key?
they started asking for verification. anyone have an editable document that they've used successfully?
You could join this. Will get a college student ID card.
Link in wiki not working. any updates on this?
you bought office 365? i don't want that. Don't wanna have to be online to use it...?