I think it already is. Don't know the numbers, but sure seems like more eateries per capita than any other frum community.
As far as I know, there isn't any eiruv on the 9 at all yet. They are working on one large eiruv for the south side of Lakewood to avoid these types of problems and confusion.
The point about minhag hamakom is not a small one. Even the Sons of Israel eruv excludes Madison.
Vaad doesn't have control over Lakewood anymore.
They still have a significant following
true but toms River has their own minhagim
True, but it's not like they can deliver Lakewood anymore.
If last time he won lakewood by 114 votes he's not winning this time. It's unfortunate, as Murphy will most likely win and if he sees he got the majority in lakewood we will continue to have his protectzia.
its a lost case, its his final term it will be a disaster either way, that's why I'm thinking of not voting at all
that helps no-one and proves nothing
Voting for Jack will not flip anything voting for Murphy will not help us
Seems appropriate for this thread. Only because it has Lakewood in the title... LolEvery day a new nutcase, showcasing that תלמיד חכם שאין בו דעת וכו'