In case anyone is interested, here is a list of all salaries paid by Lakewood Township in 2021, sorted from highest to lowest:
And if you want to search by name, here's a list sorted by last name:
Peter Aakjer Jr. - Police Sergeant - $161,512.06
Yehuda Abraham - Purchasing Agent - $102,913.27
Janelle Acchione - Administrative Secretary - $80,044.05
Albert Akerman - Township Committeeman - $55,088.00
Steve Allaire - Police Captain - $216,217.42
Jeffrey Allan - Sr. Maintenance Repairer - $50,248.87
William Allen - Police Officer - $136,263.97
Anthony Amoroso - Police Officer - $56,984.13
Carol Andrews - Principal Assessing Clerk - $46,752.83
Anthony Arecchi - Chief Project & Training Coordinator - $146,072.40
David Arey - Police Officer - $98,206.47
Dorit Attias - Animal Control Officer - $60,422.24
Nelson Ayala - Truck Driver Heavy - $50,824.84
Michelle Banuelos - Police Officer - $65,699.39
Elizabeth Barina - Payroll & Pension Supervisor - $95,155.40
Donald Barney - Lead Mechanic - $56,571.24
Scott Basen - Judge - $100,164.10
Gerald Beauford - Bus Driver - $50,248.87
Susie Beck - Principal Clerk Typist - $69,048.55
Kevin Bell - Police Officer - $138,770.55
Tyler Bennett - Police Officer - $85,169.90
Natalie Boland - Sr. Public Safety Telecommunicator - $79,916.89
Michael Bovasso - Sr. Maintenance Repairer - $57,101.64
Ralph Bove - Building Inspector - $59,053.73
Karentessa Boyce-Mayers - Crime Prevention Aide - $66,117.13
Lauren Brody - Clerk Typist - TY - $30,382.50
Daniel Brooks - Police Officer - $132,390.48
Lance Brooks - Laborer - $45,043.08
Katherine Brooks - Sr. Clerk Typist - Bilingual - $39,910.97
Daniel Brower - Director Communications Center - $124,832.88
Edward Brown - Laborer - $54,321.57
Kenneth L Burdge - Police Sergeant - $164,916.66
Scott B Burdge - Sign Maker 3 - $74,311.77
Alfred Burgagni - Sr. Code Enforcement Officer - $47,513.21
Brandon Burkhardt - Police Officer - $132,918.33
Justin Burkhardt - Police Officer - $85,679.90
Thomas Butler - Laborer - $61,182.53
William Butterworth - Police Lieutenant - $186,773.52
Nigel Bynoe - Supervisor of Recycling - $72,057.41
Curtis Campbell - Truck Driver - $50,779.27
Eugene Canfield - Sr. Code Enforcement Officer - $45,378.40
Tamos Cano - Laborer - $39,113.20
Anthony Caraballo - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Rachel Carmichael - Deputy Court Administrator - $46,183.00
Patrick Carney - Police Officer - $137,595.79
Jeremy Carney - Media Tech 1 - $30,382.50
Bivia Carrington - Clerk Typist - TY - $30,990.02
Ross Caruso - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $47,190.16
Eliecer Cascante - Laborer - $39,112.20
Emily Casey - Sr. Clerk Typist - $40,613.86
Sharon Castanon - Principal Tax Clerk - $45,913.45
Michael Cavallo - Police Detective - $131,862.64
James Celidonio - Electrical Inspector F/T - $77,000.00
Pattidawn Cicala - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $61,053.25
Eric Cicerello - Police Detective - $136,773.69
Robert Clark - Truck Driver - $50,294.47
Nadine Clarke - Police Officer - $133,773.69
Dean J Cofone - Plumbing Sub-code Official - $91,493.65
Jerome Cohen - Police Officer - $137,595.79
Kelly Coles - Assistant Personnel Director - $90,945.12
Raymond Coles - Mayor - $71,200.00
Jeremy Colon - Laborer - $44,999.60
Michael Conrad - Police Officer - $88,679.90
Brian Cop - Supervisor of Roads - $74,568.35
Evan Cornell - Aide to Mayor - $45,900.00
Martin Cornish - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $49,274.31
Jane Coughran - Deputy Court Administrator - $47,302.22
Luis Cruz - Laborer - $45,538.92
Nicholas Cusanelli - Police Officer - $85,169.90
Willie Cuzco-Benites - Police Officer - $65,699.39
Lisa Ann Czarnecki - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $74,341.74
Satchel D'Abreau - Motor Broom Driver - $52,258.83
Alberto Dalmaci - Supervisor of 3rd Shift Mechanics - $76,698.69
Nidia Dalmaci - Clerk Typist - TY - $31,632.50
Ryan Dancey - Police Officer - $131,862.64
Andrew Dapuzzo - Building Maintenance - $40,677.73
Rosemarie Davidson - Administrative Secretary - $74,159.52
Leon Davis - Truck Driver - $50,292.35
Jason DeBartolomeis - Police Officer - $132,390.48
Daniel DeBartolomeis - Police Officer - $65,699.39
Michael Del Valle - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Michael D'Elia - Township Committeeman - $55,088.00
Thomas D'Elia II - Detective Sergeant - $165,846.82
Joseph Dellavella - Police Officer - $58,964.13
Michael Dennis Jr. - Police Detective - $135,918.33
Kross DePonte - Mechanic - $55,347.88
Dawry Desangles - Police Officer - $55,964.13
Christopher Di Biase - Police Sergeant - $162,063.18
Marcos Dias-Bastos - Tire Service Repairer - $46,429.99
Maritza Diaz - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $74,341.74
Jessica Diaz - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $60,712.99
Leomaxi Dilone - Police Officer - $86,189.90
Svetlana Dilone - Deputy Tax Collector - $48,960.00
Tyler DiStefano - Police Detective - $134,862.64
Kenneth Donelson - Laborer - $43,290.02
Patrick Donnelly - Municipal Manager - $201,629.52
Kevin Donnelly - Police Detective - $134,862.64
Jason Dougherty - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $36,478.61
Kevin Doyle - Police Lieutenant - $186,749.20
Mark Draheim - Laborer - $47,671.57
David Drukaroff - Clerk Typist - TYP - $42,923.78
Edward Dugan - Building Inspector - $62,534.33
Christopher Dunphey - Police Officer - $132,918.33
Sholem Egert - Truck Driver - $50,288.44
Moshe Ehrman - OEM Coordinator - P/T - $30,000.00
Shannon Eisenhauer - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $62,553.24
Kimberly Escott - Clerk Typist - TY - $30,382.50
Amanda Esmart - Police Officer - $66,719.39
Quetcy Esposito - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $74,341.74
James Esposito - Clerk Typist - TY - $42,613.04
Samantha Everett - Employee Benefits Specialist - $51,548.72
Katherine Farrell - Administrative Secretary - $59,401.32
Hamilton Feliciano - Laborer - $39,113.20
Craig Fink - Police Detective - $135,988.44
Kyle Fleming - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $48,764.31
Timothy C Floyd - Sanitation Driver - $72,377.19
Timothy C. Jr. Floyd - Laborer - $43,960.03
Sarah Forsyth - - $5,000.00
Stephen Fugman - Supervisor of 3rd Shift - $76,698.69
Jessica Gabree - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $62,369.25
John Gandy - Laborer - $39,113.20
John Ganley - Police Officer - $131,862.64
Christopher Garretson - Police Officer - $75,434.64
Diane Garrison - Principal Clerk Typist - $43,842.48
Terence Gaudlip - Building Inspector - $64,121.62
Jordan Genao - Mechanic Helper - $57,472.85
Joshua Gianoulis - Police Officer - $66,719.39
Mark Gibson - Police Officer - $66,719.39
Dominick Gigante - Truck Driver - $50,779.27
Herbert Glenn - Laborer - $56,443.27
Pedro Gonzalez - Truck Driver - $59,881.45
Joel Gonzalez - Truck Driver - $50,844.17
Magali Gonzalez - Laborer - $43,290.02
Michael Grant - Police Officer - $75,434.64
Steven Grenley - Electrical Sub-code Official - $88,329.84
Alexander Guzman - Police Officer - $138,684.74
Brian Guzman - Police Officer - $65,699.39
Raymel Guzman - Heavy Equipment Operator - $53,826.17
Alexander Guzman Jr - Police Officer - $65,699.39
Ryan Hagen - Truck Driver - $52,291.24
Paul Haliotis - Laborer - $48,609.20
Luke Hanlon - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $36,478.61
Robert Harris - Truck Driver - $52,770.02
Zachary Hatt - Police Officer - $85,169.90
Sharon Hefter - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $52,860.62
Jessica Heins - Tax Clerk - $32,815.32
Raymond Helmstetter - Supervisor of Maintenance - $76,376.70
Raymond Helmstetter Jr. - Laborer - $50,748.67
Jerilee Herrera - Sr. Clerk Typist - Bilingual - $38,370.18
Amanda Heyl - Network Administrator - $57,100.00
Blake Hill - Supervisor of Auto Mechanics - $74,568.35
Ronald Hill - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $62,553.25
Mordechai Holder - Code Enforcement Officer - $49,188.68
Andrew Howard - Crossing Guard F/T - $35,868.83
Maurice Howard Jr. - Sanitation Worker - $61,182.53
Robert Humeny - Police Sergeant - $164,347.02
Wendell Hunter - Police Officer - $133,773.69
Rodale Ingram - Police Officer - $66,719.39
Ben-Tzion Inzelbuch - OEM Equipment Coordinator - P/T - $6,000.02
John Iorio - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $62,369.25
Kevin Jacobs - Police Officer - $56,474.13
Heather Jensen - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $49,218.96
Dennis Jenzer - Laborer - $47,994.80
Benito Jerez-Ramos - Laborer - $51,260.40
Cassandra Johnson - Tax Assessor - $109,000.16
Christopher Johnson - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $61,053.24
Quadeer Johnson - Laborer - $50,220.40
Theresa Johnson - Principal Clerk Typist - $45,342.07
Sherry Jones - Police Officer - $139,095.79
Angel Jusino - Mechanic - $70,817.59
Sarah Kalmanowitz - Aide to Mayor - $63,684.99
Melanie Kay - Clerk Typist Bilingual - $34,123.78
Patrick Kearns - Police Detective - $137,915.81
Regina Keith - Sr. Assessing Aide - $47,602.10
Lisa Kelly - Bus Driver - $50,220.40
Donna Kelly - Principal Clerk Typist - $44,752.25
Steven Kelusak - Detective Sergeant - $167,346.90
Fariba Kholasechi - Principal Purchasing Assistant - $57,499.95
Caitlyn Kicki - Police Officer - $86,189.90
Lauren Kirkman - Township Clerk - $113,000.00
Mark Klapschinski - Laborer - $46,027.78
Patricia Komsa - Personnel Director - $132,690.01
Stephen Kowaleski - Police Officer - $136,843.18
Dylan Kraszewski - Coordinator of Motor Vehicle Repair - $66,300.00
Jeremy Kuipers - Electrical Sub-code Official - $82,633.07
Jacob Kuipers - Truck Driver - $50,220.40
Peter La Rosa - Detective Sergeant - $167,057.50
Evan La Valle - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $36,478.61
Casey Laboy - Sr. Clerk Typist - $40,613.86
Thomas Langenberger - Police Captain - $215,612.05
Robert Lawson - OEM Coordinator - P/T - $24,000.08
Robert Leon Jr. - Heavy Equipment Operator - $58,054.92
Austin Letts - Police Officer - $134,862.64
Allan Lewis - Bus Driver - $50,248.87
Marc Lichtenstein - Township Committeeman - $52,088.00
Robert Liivak - Sr. Maintenance Repairer - $63,743.03
Michael Livingston - Police Officer - $108,795.47
William Long - Supervisor - $74,233.10
Robert Lopez - Police Detective - $140,595.79
Jorge Lopez - Laborer - $45,683.22
Michael Lorenc II - Police Sergeant - $162,661.31
Leah Macerino - Clerk Typist - TY - $30,382.50
John Macerino III - Police Officer - $133,773.69
James Mahecha - Police Officer - $75,944.64
Stephanie Mahone - Police Officer - $109,315.67
Joseph Mandelbaum - Police Officer - $55,964.13
Steven Marino - Truck Driver - $58,162.92
Jose Marrero Jr. - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Leroy Marshall - Detective Lieutenant - $192,379.47
John Allen Marshall - Police Sergeant - $167,057.11
Kevin Martin - Police Sergeant - $160,889.68
Jose Martinez - Lead Heavy Truck Driver - $59,524.30
Joseph Martinez - Heavy Equipment Operator - $53,735.60
Michael Marzocca - Police Sergeant - $163,258.03
Lione Mauriello - Mechanic - $58,377.66
Matthew Mc Avoy - Police Officer - $131,862.64
Kevin J McAllister - Lead Animal Control Officer - $72,989.21
Derek McAvoy - Police Officer - $108,795.47
David McClendon - Laborer - $44,999.60
David McClendon Sr. - Truck Driver - $52,304.04
Theresa McCurdy - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $70,476.03
Matthew McKee - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Paul McMillan - Police Officer - $46,228.88
Evelyn McNally - Sr. Public Safety Telecommunicator - $83,114.07
Erik Menck - Police Sergeant - $162,063.65
Johanna Mendez - Sr. Clerk Typist - Bilingual - $36,196.95
David Mercado - Police Officer - $110,755.07
Jennifer Mercado - Bus Driver - $51,334.47
Kevin Mercer - Truck Driver - $52,810.44
Daniel Merrill - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Chase Messer - Police Sergeant - $159,781.22
Charles Messer II - Police Detective - $134,862.64
Gregory Meyer - Police Chief - $234,027.89
Stephen Meyer - Police Officer - $134,862.64
Andrew Meyer - Police Officer - $131,862.64
Robert Meyer Jr. - Police Officer - $65,699.39
Eric Micallef - Police Officer - $131,862.64
Erik Miick - Police Sergeant - $163,258.03
Eric Mikkelson - Clerk Driver - $46,431.68
Michael Milano - Police Officer - $86,189.90
Travis Milko - Mechanic - $48,021.19
Menashe Miller - Deputy Mayor - $62,544.00
James Millheiser - Mechanic - $70,265.77
Nicolle Montefusco - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $65,361.50
Mageline Montes de Oca - Sr. Clerk Typist - $34,524.97
Nathaniel Montgomery - Detective Sergeant - $166,257.97
Michael Mooney Jr. - Police Officer - $133,773.69
Addie Moore - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $74,341.74
Mario Morales - Mechanic - $58,065.94
Tara Morgan - Police Officer - $132,390.48
Jose Muniz - Supervisor of Sanitation - $71,017.41
Roy Myers - Director of Automotive Services - $122,918.94
Autumn Navarro - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $77,315.41
Pedro Negron - Heavy Truck Driver - $51,864.84
William Negron - Laborer - $43,930.44
Leighann Newman - Principal Clerk Typist - $62,037.82
Stephen Nickens - Police Officer - $138,684.74
Sherleen Nickens - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $49,218.96
Kevin Nickerson - Police Officer - $98,206.47
Tyler Nicoll - Truck Driver - $50,220.40
Richard Nieliwocki - Building Inspector - $62,534.33
Ashley Nieves - Clerk Typist - TYP - $30,382.50
Leonard Nieves Jr. - Police Sergeant - $162,063.18
Megan Nixon - Supervisor of Accounts - $54,152.00
John Novak - Police Officer - $139,683.17
Jason Ochs - Management Specialist - $86,585.64
Sean O'Connell - Truck Driver - $54,886.72
Peter O'Reilly - Municipal Treasurer/CFO - $166,200.00
Kevin Ortiz - Police Officer - $97,166.07
Jose Ortiz - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $62,553.25
Jimmie Ortiz - Laborer - $43,930.44
Juan Ortiz-Rios - Laborer - $39,113.20
Catherine Parrino - Clerk Typist - TY - $32,884.63
Roseann Pasquale - Principal Clerk Typist - $36,773.00
Witold Pazdan - Sr. Tree Trimmer - $53,219.11
Quasim Pearson - Truck Driver - $50,844.17
Jason Pederson - Police Lieutenant - $185,578.82
Justin Pederson - Police Sergeant - $162,063.18
Jonathan Pederson - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Alex Pedre - Police Officer - $137,595.79
Alex Peltzman - Assessing Clerk - $34,985.87
Miguel Perez - Sanitation Driver - $50,273.01
Miguel Perez Jr. - Laborer - $44,999.60
Kelly Pierce - Crossing Guard - $32,022.90
Haydee Pinales - Sr. Records Clerk - Lead - $40,917.62
Ronald Piszar - Fire Protection inspector - $82,012.82
Wayne Plaster - Truck Driver - $47,474.80
Anthony Poklasny - Senior Engineer - $110,000.00
Kimberly Potter - Clerk Typist - TYP - $44,509.74
Raymond Powell - Building Inspector - $49,267.44
James Powell - Crossing Guard - $33,660.00
Joseph Prebish - Police Officer - $137,595.79
Effie Pressley - Tax Collector - $127,076.20
Keila Pressley - Clerk Typist - TYP - $35,386.76
Kerensa Price - Clerk Typist - TY - $40,645.70
Anthony Prisco - Police Officer - $46,228.88
Joseph Przewoznik - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Thomas Purvis - Supervisor of Parks - $71,017.41
Sharon Purvis - Laborer - $39,123.34
Henry Purzycki - Laborer - $50,220.40
Anthony Puzzo - Code Enforcement Officer - $41,021.60
Joseph Qualiano - Police Officer - $138,770.55
Matthew Quinn - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $36,478.61
Victor Ramirez - Bus Driver - $51,260.40
Lisa Rampone - Bus Driver - $52,304.04
Aivar Rannamyae - Deputy Tax Assessor - $74,225.82
Israel Reinman - Director of Economic Development - $160,329.62
Michael Reisen - Animal Control Officer - $51,156.23
Vito Renna - Police Officer - $132,988.44
Chana Resnick - Principal Clerk Typist - $39,009.48
Nathan Reyes - Detective Sergeant - $165,063.66
Salvador Reyes Jr. - Police Officer - $131,862.64
George W Reynolds - Sr. Maintenance Mechanic - $79,960.76
Rachel Ricciardulli - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $55,730.34
Matthew Richardson - Police Detective - $111,275.27
William Rieker - Director of Finance - $155,995.83
Adam Rihacek - Police Officer - $46,228.88
Mark Rios - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $77,315.41
Felix Rivera - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Matthew Rivera - Police Officer - $133,773.69
Marlon Rivera - Truck Driver - $52,304.04
Julio Rivera - Bus Driver - $50,821.04
Nicholas Rivera - Laborer - $39,113.20
Ashley Rivera - Clerk Typist - TY - $37,386.76
Juan Rivera Jr. - Sr. Maintenance Repairer - $49,180.40
Andrew Rizzitello - Truck Driver - $51,332.35
Darnell Robinson - Bus Driver - $50,844.07
Shandon Robinson - Laborer - $39,113.20
Monica Rodriguez - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $77,315.41
Marilyn Rodriguez - Supervising Code Enforcement Officer - $60,650.77
Bryan Rodriguez - Police Officer - $46,228.88
Evelyn Rodriguez - Principal Clerk Typist - Bilingual - $44,576.83
Carol Rodriguez - Tax Clerk - $33,991.89
Peter Roman - Code Enforcement Officer - $58,225.96
Nicholas Romeo - Police Officer - $75,434.64
Kristina Rosado - Police Officer - $108,275.27
Cameron Rose - Police Officer - $58,964.13
Philippe Roux - Director of DPW - $148,569.12
Jose Ruiz - Recycling Program Aide - $61,962.98
Joseph Rusk - Police Officer - $85,169.90
Michael Saccomanno - Acting Dir Code Enforcement & Zoning - $154,744.29
Claudia Sachs - Sr. Public Safety Telecommunicator - $83,113.54
Johnny Saiz - Bus Driver - $52,868.21
Rebecca Salas - Bus Driver - $50,292.34
Patrick Sample - Crossing Guard F/T - $35,868.83
Michael Sanchez - Truck Driver - $52,258.77
Joseph Sandstrom - Police Officer - $133,773.69
Wilfredo Santana - Mechanic - $57,118.38
Jose Santiago - Assistant Superintendent - $91,954.08
Brian Sauers - Supervisor of Auto Mechanics - $77,933.70
John Scalley - Truck Driver - $51,288.87
Kenneth Schaal - Police Officer - $97,686.27
Virginia Schneider - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $45,690.16
Matthew Schuldes - Truck Driver Heavy - $50,844.06
Cindy Schwartz - Sr. Clerk Typist - $65,964.99
Norman Schwartz - Sr. Maintenance Repairer - $57,087.16
Maria Schwartz - Sr Account Clerk - $47,043.71
Kyle Seehausen - Police Officer - $55,964.13
Lourdes Serrano - Deputy Municipal Court Administrator Bil - $47,302.22
Kevin Seunath - Police Officer - $136,843.19
Michael Shave - Sr. Assessing Aide - $46,582.10
Michael Sheehan - Police Officer - $46,228.88
Robert Shimonovich - Police Lieutenant - $188,192.61
Jeannette Shimonovich - Detective Sergeant - $165,847.04
Francine Siegel - Acting Zoning Official - $84,395.98
David Silberstein - Police Officer - $139,263.96
Mandeep Singh - Sanitation Driver - $57,063.60
Deon Smith - Police Officer - $65,699.39
James Smith - Sr. Building Maintenance Worker - $53,385.08
Maureen Smith - Sr. Clerk Typist - Bilingual - $36,196.95
Danny Solis - Truck Driver Heavy - $51,311.88
Andrew Solomon - Police Officer - $86,189.90
Joseph Soriano III - Police Officer - $131,862.64
Sergio Sosa - Emergency Medical Technician F/T - $36,478.61
Teddy Soto - Laborer - $45,584.09
Joshua Spagnuolo - Police Sergeant - $159,780.60
Daniel Spagnuolo - Police Officer - $75,434.64
Scott Speidel - Lead - Roads - $59,370.65
Constance Spence - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $77,315.41
Gregory Staffordsmith - Detective Captain - $218,611.48
Richard Stanick - Police Officer - $137,595.79
Shawn Stanley - Truck Driver Heavy - $50,292.34
Margaret Stazko - Assistant Municipal Treasurer - $101,545.00
Eric Stefanelli - Police Officer - $132,918.33
Michael Stewart - Truck Driver Heavy - $55,398.71
Kimberly S Tice - Motor Broom Driver - $77,813.49
Darlene Toomey - Principal Clerk Typist - $42,307.37
Jaesson Toro - Truck Driver Heavy - $51,316.38
Alexander Toro - Laborer - $45,802.12
Leonardo Torres - Laborer - $45,519.60
Jesse Torres - Laborer - $39,113.20
Joseph Torres Martinez - Truck Driver - $52,770.02
Taron Townsend - Police Officer - $65,699.39
Rhona Trella - Supervisor of Telecommunications - $89,347.14
Robert Treval - Supervising Code Enforcement Officer - $71,017.41
Daniel Tworkoski - Police Sergeant - $164,346.17
Darryl Tyler - Truck Driver Heavy - $53,749.51
Daniel Umlauf - Police Officer - $97,166.07
Louis Vadino - Police Officer - $56,474.13
Crystal Van De Zilver - EMS Chief - $100,814.76
James Van Pelt - Sr. Building Maintenance Worker - $45,021.64
Michael Vangaasbeck - Senior EMT - $71,000.84
Jose Vargas Laboy - Sign Maker 3 - $60,128.04
Edgardo Vega - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Eric Vega - Police Officer - $131,862.64
Roberto Vega - Truck Driver - $62,377.01
Jose R. Vega - Truck Driver - $56,443.27
Jose A. Vega - Laborer - $47,474.80
Christina Vega - Assistant Administrative Analyst - $46,285.69
Paul Velez - Sanitation Driver - $51,288.87
Anthony Ventura - Truck Driver - $56,543.60
Michael Villalba-Vasquez - Police Officer - $46,228.88
Elissa Vogel - Sr. Clerk Typist - $41,111.48
Peter Vogel III - Code Enforcement Officer - $43,791.56
Sean Ward - Police Officer - $135,684.74
Joseph Washington - Supervisor of Roads - $71,017.41
Gary Weaver - Police Officer - $75,434.64
Rebecca Wells - Dispatcher/Public Safety Telecomm - $55,730.34
Eric Whatton - Truck Driver - $50,248.82
Sheila Wilson - Municipal Court Administrator - $116,020.80
Vincent Wittmann - Police Officer - $131,862.64
Connor Woods - Police Officer - $55,964.13
Lindsay Woods - Media Technician 3 - $47,630.43
Frank Work Jr. - Police Sergeant - $167,347.02
Izaiah Wynn - Truck Driver - $54,315.73
Stephen Wynn Jr. - Sr. Stock Clerk - $52,170.68
Jason Yahr - Police Officer - $138,183.17
Rodney Youmans - Police Officer - $138,770.55
Michael Young - Police Sergeant - $160,958.68
Allah Young - Laborer - $54,799.63
Kimberly Yurocko - Bus Driver - $53,263.80
Tymur Zavalnyuk - Police Officer - $132,390.48
Brett Zrebiec - Mechanic Helper - $48,285.18
Michael Zwick - Police Detective - $139,095.79