I was 100% serious. Which part does the average newlywed kollel couple not do. The toiletries? The cleaners? The salons? The sheitel? The gifts? What exactly are you refuting?
Toiletries. They are included, I dont consider that a major expense. Average maybe $20 a month. (If you are talking about makeup which could be more expensive, it's often bought before marriage)
Cleaners. Again part of the monthly expenses, practiaclly speaking I doubt the average couple spends more than $30 a month. (And if you are the type who wouldn't dream of wearing a suit/dress twice without cleaning or dry clean your non-iron shirts, you are not the standard.)
Salons. I'm not sure what you refer to. If you mean getting a sheitel done, again most kollel families don't do it often. Average maybe $50 a month.
Gifts. Yes there are gifts. Birthday and anniversary (considered big-ticket items) are given based on each families personal finances and aren't included in a monthly bill. They will usually be given from savings or wedding gifts. Smaller gifts will fall into whichever type they are, either frugal or not, and there is a much bigger swing in this area, even so I would put the average (over the whole year) less than $50 a month.
Sheitel. I don't know a single couple who got a new sheitel in the first 3 years of marriage (besides one who got rid of a lace top).
These total out to around $150 a month and easily fit into the average budget.
Let me repeat there are definitelty those with more money and less restraint, and you will here them talking of going to restaraunts often, buying expensive gifts and going to the bahamas every other month, but they are not the standard. People often don't brag that they
don't go out to eat (although in certain circles, they do). Most kollel families, however, really cannot afford to do more without going into savings, and even if they can they won't because of self restraint.