Can some explain this to me? When to use "took or taken"?
Q -What is the difference between took and taken?
As an example assume a monkey is in a well, and someone is trying to say they would have taken the money out. Are both of these sentences grammatically correct?
I would have jumped in there and took the monkey out
I would have jumped in there and taken the monkey out.
A- There are some dialects where the simple past tense and the past participle are not distinguished (except in a few verbs). In those dialects, “I have took”, “I have gave”, “I have saw”, etc. are acceptable. These dialects are a minority, however. In the vast majority of dialects, the past tense is took/gave/saw, the past participle is taken/given/seen, and only the second of your examples is grammatical.
In reference to this post. @Iz