What about@Adam H. Carrillo @adah_church @Adam Picker @ah giten @AJ Wachsman @al hanks @Al hanks 23 @al.pattillo @asad.ee Etc.
Quotes in a signature is annoying, as it comes across as an independent post.
Which DDFer has used the acronym “FTT” more than all other users combined?
@Kobe Bryant?
Is it the Five Time Title-holder?
I am tired of people arguing on a post without following the thread, I.e the previous posts which are relevant to said point and are needed for context so FTT (Follow the thread).
Which non master thread (individual) deal post has the most likes?
@Yo ssi ?
I don't know if that counts. I'm stumped.
This actual deal is right below ithttps://forums.dansdeals.com/index.php?topic=93786
What was the most reposted post?
Uch. I hate you.
That was used many times in various contexts. I'm referring to a real repost.
Please define real