Haha, whoops. Clearly didn't get enough sleep last night .
Busy writing
If only...
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing. When do we get to hear about your swimmers ear?
hmmmm.....Thanx for the update once again amazing
Thanks! Haha, from all things about an MLE TR, that's what you're looking forward to most? I knew you were gonna say something like that! My TR has actually been more or less written up since early last week. It's the pictures that hold me up. I decided to stop being lazy this afternoon.
Thanks once again for the write up and amazing pics
Made my night!
Nice installment. Did you find the personal butler guy to be too much in your face, or did he keep his distance?
Not at all; we thought he balanced it perfectly. He was there when we needed him and always kept us informed about any events but otherwise let us have our space and enjoy.
Good to hear. I'm one of those guys that's hates the overbearing service. (Like filling up my glass after every sip....)
I hear you, but it wasn't like that. They really have the service (and everything else for that matter) down to a science at PH MLE. I literally have zero complaints. Like, nothing.
Great installment.Hope swimmer's ear doesn't deter you from doing some more diving (other than USM of course!).
Oiy. Never, ever go deeper if you're not properly equalized. Forget the pain, which is terrible, it's not safe.
I have no patience to wait - did you end up getting owb at the end? Was it worth it?