You can now earn AA status by screwed up leg instead of flown leg? That's pretty cool!
found that out the hard way. Many unhappy returns.
Black jelly beans shouldn't be a thing, but here we are
Haha I'm thinking of posting my shidduch resume in this thread
I have around 400 contracts willing to trade 96 rolls of toilet paper for 3 containers of cream cheese.
How do memes evolve? I just saw one with that line (with the toilet paper..)but did aygart make that up or take it from the meme? I don’t get it.
One thing a Rov, similar to a parent, needs to think through is what will potential end results be of taking the full hard line stance even if it is correct.
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
Even if one is on DDF all day I can’t imagine anybody bored enough to read this
And may as well bang the nails in with your head, it'll hurt less than arguing politics.
The trendy idea of today is to believe that deep universal truths are contained in 140 character tweets.
*Get's down on one knee. Looks up expectantly*"Will you be my external account partner?"
more free for your money.
Nu, use the like button!
Either way, Trump's policies trump.
It is. They have special machines called cows that process grass and turn it into milk.
A snag is someone who leaves in the 7th inning of a tie playoff game to beat the traffic.
Being an anti vaxer turns people into meshaguim or being meshuga makes you an anti vaxer?
I was JK about the mod thing, I'm too lazy...