When we did this kind of thread in the past.....TimT?
You mean this ?http://forums.dansdeals.com/index.php?topic=46776.0
When my Gameboy color couldn't be played in the dark and had to keep on switching the AA batteries. When my palm pilot would delete everything if the battery got fully drained. When 128 MB SD cards were standard and the 1gb card was over $120.
Remember when you had to keep blowing the Game Boy cartridge until it worked.
When I was able to write "Mutty" & "Dudi" and not have it change to "nutty" & "dude".
we got in to the front seat of the car and only had a lapbelt.
When we used maps on road trips, and no that's not Google maps...Something people born after 2000 have never and will never experience.
When my Gameboy color couldn't be played in the dark and had to keep on switching the AA batteries.
-1. AAA batteries.
14.4 kps ?