I flew last week on UA, and 90% of economy was chareidi, and there was BH no issues at all. The vast majority of the passengers complied with the crew and all was smooth.
I can only think of two reasons why this may have been different:
1) The crew didn't handle the situation smartly, which may have incited the passengers to just ignore the rules.
2) The more likely reason.... Last week, there weren't more than a handful of teenagers flying because the permits were only issued from the 18th. Most men were grown discipline adults, many flying with their families. This week's flights were packed with teenager students. Apparently, there needs to be more awareness made to these teenagers, about priorities in such situations. (I thought the past year taught most people a lot about priorities in yiddishkeit... But apparently some still don't understand it) Many righteous Jews daven while seated when flying. And I think most adult passengers, know how to act in a respectful manner on a flight (even the ultra-orthodox).