It is very common with elal. If vouchers work with TAs, definitely use one. Even if it’s the same price, you (hopefully) have who to talk to if things go wrong, and why not let a heimishe yid earn a commission at no cost to you?If a TA is more expensive, that’s obviously a different story...
Agreed.And I presume the vouchers work with TAs since they can be used with El Al like a credit card.Maybe a TA (or someone knowledgeable) can chime in on this.
Looking for an email address that can be used for the targeted offer for discounted ELAL tickets from the U.S to Israel. All I need is an email address, I will do everything else and you can just ignore the confirmation email.PM if you can help.Thanks!
The vouchers that El Al gave for cancelled flights (that had a bonus 25%), would it be ok to sell them on DDF or to an agent?They are officially transferable, so would there be any issue? 787 :-)@Dan #noskyshield ;-)
Where do you see SkyShield confirmed?
I meant to mean no sky shield. I.e. they don't care that there is no sky shield
Right, but is that confirmed?
Awards are blocked from QF.Not surprised!
Are they open from LY?