Date/Time-Departing/Returning(Airport name) (Example: leaving on the 7/29 6 am jfk to bos, returning on the 9am)07/07 high end hobo: JFK-BTV 9:10am-10:31am, BTV-JFK 11:07am-12:23pm
07/17 mountainman: JFK-BOS 6:55am-8:06am, BOS-JFK 9:05am-10:19am
07/29 shidduch: JFK-BOS 6:00am-7:06am, BOS-JFK 9:05am-10:19am
08/09 zow: BDL-DCA 4:45pm-6:08pm, DCA-BDL 6:58pm-8:17pm. $70 RT
08/16 keepsmiling123: JFK-BOS 12:15pm-1:22pm, BOS-JFK 2:35pm-3:52pm
08/16 joe1234: EWR-BOS-1:35-2:41, BOS-EWR-3:51-5:28
08/24 Myccrabbi: EWR-BOS-1:35-2:41, BOS-EWR-3:51-5:28