Looking to spend some time in smoky mountains this summer. Any leads with minyanim, most specifically shabbos would be appreciated.
Anyone have good recommendations for an Airbnb type or cabin rental?
When you're next door neighbor is out of the t'chum, a minyan on shabbos gets kinda tricky...
Did you get anywhere?We’re going to be in the area the weekend of July 26. What’s the closest minyan for shabbos?
Something for a family of 5. Trying to get the mountains feel with out being too rustic for my wife
https://www.airbnb.com/s/Topton--NC/homes?refinement_paths%5B%5D=%2Fhomes&query=Topton%2C%20NC&search_type=unknown&zoom=12&search_by_map=true&sw_lat=35.108858979581775&sw_lng=-83.76969046608241&ne_lat=35.25253082088788&ne_lng=-83.54347890891762&place_id=ChIJ06rEfUDOXogR6D6ieSQOWss&s_tag=nvg0ngbXThe experience is incredible. At night, with no cell service, sitting outside on a pitch black (literally) mountain in the forest....
What activities did you do in that area? Trying to decide if I should go in that direction or more by gaitlenberg
You can raft the Nantahala
Looking for a couple more people to help w a minyan this week in the Gatlinburg area. pls pm