Paging whYME ...
Working on the next part while whYME finishes up... So far I've culled the pictures I want to use from over 250 to 187 . And that's before videos and GIFs. This is gonna be a beast, I'm afraid.
...If one of those bottles should happen to fall, what a waste of alcohol.98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer...
Paging whYME ... The next segment is done from my part.
These cliffhangers!! Such a tease!
[Something Fishy] While whYME was cavorting around Panama, CITH and I headed to JFK together, and went straight to the Copa priority check-in lane. Right away the troubles started.Check-in agent: What is this? You can't go to Cuba.Me: Yes I can.Agent: No you can't.Me: Yes I can. Here's my journalism license.Agent: Let's see your visa.Me: I don't have one yet. The visa gets picked up in Panama.Agent: No it doesn't.Me: Yes it does.Agent: I'm not gonna let you board.
Heh, I was gonna leave it at this, but I figured that may be too mean .
The ceilings were at least 16 feet high