I should make a correction first. We are not only talking about those that died serving this country but all those that serve this country.
Of course
If we go to war or not has a lot to do with politics. The soldiers don't get a choice in those matters and are just serving their country no matter if you think the decision to go to war was right or wrong. Sitting during the anthem IMHO is disrespecting all of them even if you feel you can respect them in other ways.
They fought for their country that made a big mistake. Countries make mistakes. We have to admit that to learn from those mistakes. It's unfortunate that soldiers die and get injured for no reason, you're trying too hard to put meaning to meaningless deaths. The soldiers deserve recognition for being
willing to give everything to their country despite the results. Lets not rewrite history and claim every soldier saved America.
And again, the national anthem is the national anthem, not a specific salute to the troops.
During the Vietnam (major politics involved) war the flag was burned, returning soldiers were spat upon and called baby killers. Would you consider any of those behaviors disrespectful?
Flag burning - I wouldn't do but I'd be okay with in that context. How many people including US soldiers were killed because of a useless war because we wanted to show the world who's boss? When the government doesn't care about its soldiers, its people, why should the people care about the governments symbols?
Spitting on soldiers, calling them names - definite no-no, doesn't even need to be asked.