so when's the last great deal that you chanced upon by yourself without any outside help? Let me guess... Never
Anyone have any idea who the coupon was intended for?
An educated guess is called a hypothesis. An uneducated guess is called...
Opinions are like a..holes.Everyone's got one and they all stink.
Was the site crashing all day, or only from when Dan put out the word?
I don't know about all day, but it was slow before DDMS.
When you have 17,000 clicks in half hour, that can slow down any site...
DD stayed up with more than that
So did anyone dare to call and check in these orders?
Most people on here are smart enough not to.
You'd be surprised unfortunately.
For 1 out of 3 of my orders a label came upand it says it is coming tomorrow
Just because orders are shipped does not mean that they can't still cancel as I once had staples cancel an order and they pulled it back after it was already at my local UPS delivery terminal