Without my knowing you, your family, or BYBP, how would you compare your family to the "typical"family there?
My husband and I both work. We consider ourselves chassidish but we're not affiliated with any particular sect. We speak English and Yiddish in our home. We don't have movies or a TV, we both have smartphones + wifi. We're pretty middle class.
I'm not sure what typical means nowadays. I don't buy into the whole double life many MANY people have today where they are chassidish on the outside and barely shomer Shabbos on the inside. With my husband and I- what you see is what you get.
BYBP expected my 4 yr old to be able to write her own name, draw shapes, identify all aleph bet and alphabet.
Gan Yisroel said no uncle Moishy/yeshivah boys choir/smartphones w/o filter
Bais Yaakov of B said no chalav stam (not that it matters. They didn't want us anyway. We don't fit their type)
Munkatch had no reason with their rejection
Satmar said no radio (yes. Apparently were in the 50's)
Both bobavs said no space
Sora schner, Bais shufra Miriam, BYA, prospect park, yeshiva of B, yeshiva of FB, and a few others never responded to my application despite many calls
BY d'rav Meir called us for an interview but I heard from a few people that they (like vien) are way too posh and would never take us. So we didn't even bother running after them
BY18 has a 3 year waiting list and only accepts siblings
Need I go on?